Harakhan ladies: Black Tosa and Golden Fila
Harakhan ladies: Black Tosa and Golden Fila – are very playful and dignified girls, behaving themselves as they are sovereign rulers, calmly ruling over their empire, the Harakhan Kennel. Of course being a royalty means that you are also noble towards smaller, weaker or younger ones. When our friend visits us with his best dog body Bakk (Shih Tzu), it is very amusing to observe how they interact.
Bakk is always very interested to follow Harakhan ladies grateful for being near and enjoying their company. However, Ama and Kali find his interest sometimes a little bit annoying, ambushing them at every corner. Then the charming Shih Tzu finds out that Harakhan girls are not only gorgeous but also fierce. Like a lioness would do they roar once: It is enough, back off! He replies in a dog manner throwing himself on his back. And the cycle repeats all over again every time this cute Shih Tzu comes to visit. But when Bakk meets Harakhan littlest lady dog a Miniature Schnauzer (Zwergschnauzer) Kiki an endless play starts immediately. Then you can’t recognize them separately, but as a single growling, barking cloud made of black and white hair. Meanwhile, Ama and Kali usually go somewhere where the grass is soft and the sunshine is most pleasant, lay next to each other, blinking like lionesses satisfied with the fact that everything is going quite well in their kingdom.