Japanese Tosa and other dogs – yes or no? Tosas are marvelous dogs - highly intelligent and very affectionate with their owners. Japanese Tosa is a large breed that normally...
Pack order and dog fights - It’s a different, greater challenge having an adult pack of dogs i.e. pack consisting of adult males and females then raising a pack where young...
Nowadays we see many leather dog collars all over the web being advertized as handmade so we decided to share information on this matter with you. Handmade should denote a...
Dogs against stress - Dogs are a tremendous help in stress relief. It is scientifically proved that dog owners with high blood pressure can keep their blood pressure lower during...
Ideal Christmas gift for your friends with tails: Custom made and designer dog collars Having a unique leather dog collar made for your loving friend with tail is a great...
The highlights of Japanese Tosa temperament and behavior are their sense of responsibility, adequacy of their responses and their attachment to their human caregivers. Our Tosa male, Haragei, is the...