Having several large breed dogs requires spending a lot of time with them every day. Thus it gives much more in return than it takes. Harakhan kennel is relatively big...
Sauri Handmade Leather Dog Collars The story about Workshop Sauri hand stitched collars begins with the collars that we designed and made for our own dogs. Twenty years of choosing...
How to measure your dog’s neck and chest correctly - Measuring your dog Measuring your dog - Regardless whether your dog needs a new collar for everyday use or you...
Harakhan ladies: Black Tosa and Golden Fila Harakhan ladies: Black Tosa and Golden Fila - are very playful and dignified girls, behaving themselves as they are sovereign rulers, calmly ruling...
World dog show 12 June 2015 World dog show - After having difficulties to find the place of the event and after being stucked in a labyrinth of Milano traffic...
Beautiful Serbia (BUKULJA mountain) - Harakhan Kennel Beautiful Serbia - Bukulja Mountain. If you visit Serbia we advise you to visit the mountain Bukulja, an extinct volcano near Arandjelovac town....